1,527 research outputs found

    The effect of magnetic activity on low-mass stars in eclipsing binaries

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    In recent years, analyses of eclipsing binary systems have unveiled differences between the observed fundamental properties of low-mass stars and those predicted by stellar structure models. Particularly, radius and effective temperatures computed from models are ~ 5-10% lower and ~ 3-5% higher than observed, respectively. These discrepancies have been attributed to different factors, notably to the high levels of magnetic activity present on these stars. In this paper, we test the effect of magnetic activity both on models and on the observational analysis of eclipsing binaries using a sample of such systems with accurate fundamental properties. Regarding stellar models, we have found that unrealistically high spot coverages need to be assumed to reproduce the observations. Tests considering metallicity effects and missing opacities on models indicate that these are not able to explain the radius discrepancies observed. With respect to the observations, we have tested the effect of several spot distributions on the light curve analysis. Our results show that spots cause systematic deviations on the stellar radii derived from light curve analysis when distributed mainly over the stellar poles. Assuming the existence of polar spots, overall agreement between models and observations is reached when ~ 35% spot coverage is considered on stellar models. Such spot coverage induces a systematic deviation in the radius determination from the light curve analysis of ~ 3% and is also compatible with the modulations observed on the light curves of these systems. Finally, we have found that the effect of activity or rotation on convective transport in partially radiative stars may also contribute to explain the differences seen in some of the systems with shorter orbital periods.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Labour Managed Firms in Spain

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    There are at least two types of companies: conventional capitalist companies or Profit Maximizing Firms (PMFs) and, on the other hand, companies managed by their workforce or Labour-Managed Firms (LMFs). The entrepreneurial structures in Spain which include this second type are worker cooperatives (cooperativas de trabajo asociado) and public or limited liability worker-owned companies (sociedades laborales). This paper describes how this type of company has evolved using a set of indicators and offers a closer look at some of the reasons which explain the current difficult situation which, as will be shown, can be considered as critical in the case of cooperatives.Labour-Managed Firms, worker cooperatives, worker-owned companies, employment.

    Impact of Climate Change on Zoonotic Diseases in Latin America

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    La Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC), con sede en Bonn, Alemania, define el cambio climático como "un cambio de clima atribuido directa o indirectamente a la actividad humana que altera la composición de la atmósfera mundial y que se suma a los recursos naturales variabilidad del clima observada durante períodos de tiempo comparables ". Aunque muchas otras definiciones se pueden encontrar y se han declarado por muchos autores y grupos de investigación, el mensaje clave importante, es que el cambio climático supone una seria amenaza para el mundo, que puede generar agitación social, los desplazamientos de población, las dificultades económicas y ambientales la degradación, entre muchas otras consecuencias relevantes. Con el fin de llegar a un verde como World menos impacto antropogénico, de acuerdo con las nuevas tendencias ecológicas en la sociedad, la mitigación del cambio climático debe ser una prioridad para la sociedad y sus gobiernos (Rodríguez-Morales, 2011). Como se ha indicado anteriormente, el cambio climático ya es un problema ampliamente conocido por múltiples disciplinas (Rodríguez-Morales, 2005). Aunque sus orígenes pueden converger en un complejo de múltiples fenómenos de interacción, para algunas disciplinas, como las ciencias biológicas y médicas, sus consecuencias son más estudiados y destacan por sus implicaciones actuales y más.Aún más, sus impactos y chillidos son motivo de preocupación a nivel global (Rodríguez-Morales et al, 2010 ). Esta amenaza creciente constituye en el siglo XXI un reto importante para la humanidad. Sus efectos aún son muchos los aspectos que se han estudiado no por la sociedad en diferentes niveles.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), located in Bonn,Germany, defines climate change as “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods”. Although many other definitions can be found and have been stated by many authors and research groups, the important key message, is that global climate change poses a serious threat to the World, which can generate social upheaval, population displacement, economic hardships, and environmental degradation, among many other relevant consequences. In order to reach a green as less anthropogenically impacted World, according to the new ecological trends in the society, mitigation of global climate change should be a priority for the society and its governments (Rodriguez-Morales, 2011). As has been previously stated, climate change is already a widely known problem to multiple disciplines (Rodriguez-Morales, 2005). Although its origins can converge in a complex of multiple interacting phenomena, for some disciplines, such as biological and medical sciences, their consequences are more studied and highlighted for their current and further implications. Even more, its impacts and squeals are cause of concern at a global level (Rodriguez-Morales et al, 2010). This growing threat represents in the XXI century a significant challenge for the humankind. Its effects even include many aspects that have been not studied by the society at different levels

    Factores de irracionalidad en la formación de precios en el mercado de la vivienda

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    Durante los últimos años los activos inmobiliarios, han experimentado un continuo crecimiento y una espectacular expansión de los precios en España. ¿Responden los precios a una situación de sobrevaloración, debida a imperfecciones en el mercado?, En ese caso, ¿podrían existir algunos factores de no racionalidad o racionalidad incompleta en las decisiones de la demanda que indujesen a la formación de burbujas? En este trabajo, se exploran las diferentes evidencias que muestran posibles situaciones de sobrevaloración en el mercado de la vivienda residencial en España, repasando diferentes patrones de irracionalidad en la toma de decisiones que pueden afectar al mercado de la vivienda

    Colombia Estéreo Puerto Berrío 90.3 fm, "Una emisora unificadora de redes sociales al servicio de la comunidad"

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    El presente ensayo recoge bases teóricas de autores influyentes en el tema de redes sociales, para sustentar la tesis de que la emisora es una entidad unificadora de redes sociales al servicio de la comunidad, se demuestra cómo las redes sociales, la comunicación, y participación, son sumamente importantes en la realidad de la Organización Social Participativa (OSP), estudiada durante el diplomado. Se trabajaron planteamientos de diversos autores, y se analizaron las dinámicas de las relaciones entre la OSP estudiada y sus aliados en el grupo del tejido asociativo que colaboran entre sí, para contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de diferentes comunidades en la región. Se presentan observaciones, hallazgos y recomendaciones, encontradas en torno al trabajo institucional y social de la emisora, se analiza la influencia, posicionamiento y contribución a la comunidad, el insumo para el análisis fueron las entrevistas y acciones participantes; así se logró reunir y presentar información relevante sobre las redes de la emisora y su posición frente a otras entidades con las que colabora, también se describen las relaciones en general y se justifica el título como planteamiento principal del presente trabajo.This essay gathers theoretical bases of influential authors on the subject of social networks, to support the thesis that the radio station is a unifying entity of social networks at the service of the community, demonstrating how social networks, communication, and participation are extremely important in the reality of the Participatory Social Organization (OSP), studied during the diploma course. We worked on the approaches of various authors, and analyzed the dynamics of the relationships between the PSO studied and its allies in the group of the associative fabric that collaborate with each other to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of different communities in the region. Observations, findings and recommendations are presented, found around the institutional and social work of the radio station, the influence, positioning and contribution to the community are analyzed, the input for the analysis were the interviews and participating actions; thus it was possible to gather and present relevant information about the networks of the radio station and its position in relation to other entities with which it collaborates, the relations in general are also described and the title is justified as the main approach of this work

    Parental support for physical activity in schoolchildren and its influence on nutritional status and fitness = Apoyo parental para realizar actividad física en escolares de 6 años de edad: influencia sobre el estado nutricional y fitness

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    Introduction: Parents are key models for transmitting and teaching healthy lifestyle habits to their children. Our objective was to determine the influence of the economic and motivational support, and parental involvement in their children physical activity (PA) and its relationship with nutritio nal status and cardiorespiratory fitness. Subjects and Method: Cross-sectional study which included 70 six-year-old schoolchildren. Parents completed the “The Parental Influence on Physical Activity Scale” questionnaire. Anthropometric variables were measured according to the Chilean Ministerial Technical Standard for the supervision of children from 0 to 9 years old; PA intensity was measured with triaxial accelerometers GT3X and the VO2max estimation was performed using the Navette Course test. Results: The average body mass index was 17.9 ± 2.9 kg/m2, the obesity prevalence and VO2max were 57.1%, and 38.05 ± 16.9 ml/kg/min, respectively. Moderate PA during the physical education (PE) class was significantly higher in boys compared to girls (p < 0.006). The economic and motivational support of the parents did not significantly influence the body weight of the children, BMI, waist circumference, PA intensity, and VO2max. Children supported by their parent showed significant differences with moderate PA performed in PE compared to those who were not suppor ted by parents (p = 0.023). Conclusions: Parental support of their children in performing physical activity influences the levels of moderate PA that they do during PE classes. This type of study should be continued and the PA should be measured daily

    Ultrasonography Comparison of Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Wall Muscles in Women with and without Dyspareunia: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    [Abstract] Pelvic floor hypertonicity and narrowing of the levator ani hiatus is traditionally assumed in women with dyspareunia and considered a therapeutical target by physical therapists. However, accurate pre-treatment assessment of pelvic floor muscles is difficult to perform in clinical sites. In addition, the abdominal musculature has not been evaluated in this population, despite its relationship with pelvic floor disfunctions. The purpose of this study was to determine the existence of differences in the length of the anteroposterior diameter of the levator ani hiatus (APDH), the thickness of the abdominal wall musculature and the interrecti distance (IRD) in subjects with dyspareunia compared to a control group. A cross-sectional observational study was designed using ultrasound imaging to measure the APH, the thickness of the abdominal musculature—rectus abdominis (RA), transverse abdominis (TrAb), internal oblique (IO), external oblique (EO)—and IRD at rest and during contraction. Thirty-two women were recruited through advertising and social webs and divided into two groups: dyspareunia (n = 16) and no dyspareunia (n = 16). There were no statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in RA, TrAb, OI and OE muscle thickness. No differences in APH or in supraumbilical and infraumbilical IRD were found. The findings of this study suggest that the relationship between the abdominal structure/levator ani hypertonia and dyspareunia remains uncertain

    Diffuse urban sprawl in intermediate cities. Simulation of the expansión process in the city of Temuco, Chile

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    Urbanization advances vertiginously and its impacts are visible beyond metropolitan spaces. In this context, urban sprawl simulation methodologies become relevant to understand and add to future urban growth scenarios. In this work, the case of the city of Temuco in the La Araucanía Region is analyzed, using the following tools: Markov chains; Cellular Automaton; Multicriteria-Multi-objective Assessment; and the determination of land usage/cover using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Based on the above, the urban scenario was determined for 2049 from the spatial patterns of the area under study, since 1985. The model shows a trend to a peripheral and diffuse sprawl towards the north of the city and a strong development towards the western sector in the Labranza neighborhood. That is to say, the first sector is projected as a possible node of expansion, and the second, as one of consolidation. It is concluded that both zones require pertinent updated urban planning instruments, which the city has not had until now.La urbanización avanza de manera vertiginosa y sus impactos son visibles más allá de los espacios metropolitanos. En ese contexto, las metodologías de simulación del crecimiento urbano adquieren relevancia para comprender (y aportar a) futuros escenarios de crecimiento urbano. En concreto, aquí se analiza el caso de la ciudad de Temuco en la Región de La Araucanía empleando las siguientes herramientas: Cadenas de Markov, Autómata Celular, Evaluación Multicriterio-Multiobjetivo, como también de la determinación de usos/coberturas de suelo mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Así, el trabajo determina el escenario urbano al año 2049 a partir de los patrones espaciales del área de estudio desde el año 1985. El modelo muestra la tendencia al crecimiento periférico y difuso hacia el norte de la ciudad y un fuerte desarrollo hacia el sector oeste en el barrio de Labranza, es decir, el primer sector se proyecta como un foco de posible expansión y el segundo, como uno de consolidación. Se concluye que ambas zonas requieren de instrumentos pertinentes y actualizados de planificación urbana, con los que la ciudad no ha contado hasta ahora

    Ultrasound imaging evaluation of textural features in athletes with soleus pathology : a novel case-control study

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    Background: the aim of this study was to compare the echotexture of patients with soleus muscle injury and age matched controls. Methods: a sample of 62 athletes was recruited at the private clinic and was divided in two group: a healthy group (n = 31) and a soleus pathology group whose athletes had soleus muscle injury, located in the central tendon (n = 31). The muscle thickness (MTh), echointensity (EI) and echovariation (EV) were analyzed. An intra-rater reliability test (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient-ICC) was performed in order to analyze the reliability of the values of the measurements. Results: Sociodemographic variables did not show statistically significant differences (p > 0.05). Ultrasound imaging measurements who reported statistically significant differences were EI (p = 0.001) and standard deviation (SD) (p = 0.001). MTh and EV variables did not show statistically significant differences (p = 0.381 and p = 0.364, respectively). Moreover, reliability values for the MTh (ICC = 0.911), EI (ICC = 0.982), SD (ICC = 0.955) and EV (ICC = 0.963). Based on these results the intra-rater reliability was considered excellent. Conclusion: Athletes with a central tendon injury of soleus muscle showed a lower EI when they were compared to healthy athletes. The echogenicity showed by the quantitative ultrasound imaging measurement may be a more objective parameter for the diagnosis and follow-up the soleus muscle injurie